Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

What would Sherlock say?

"There is a woman out there wearing one flip flop and looking for her hat, Watson. These losses are a sign of intoxication so she is probably drunk, and the proximity of these items to a yellow line means she may have lost them as she jumped into her car and didn’t realise she had shed them. She is therefore irresponsible and a drunk driver and therefore a threat to herself and others.’"

"Maybe they just fell out of a bag Holmes?"

"Piffle Watson. Piffle".

Personally I’m with Watson. Occam’s Razor.

Achievements today: painted the bathroom (first coat). Put up The Dizzle’s TV wall bracket (stud wall so big job - had to put battens in first). Few bits of domesticity. 

Lovely visit from our friend M. Lovely FaceTime with TGR in Canada.

Wet, grey and humid. Gave me a headache. 

Tired now …

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