
By Teasel


It was another lovely day today and I worked from home again as I had another clinic appointment at the local hospital to get my infection checked, treated and dressed.  As ever I started my day with a walk, then did about half an hours work before my appointment.  The nurse wasn’t very happy with it, and the treatment was much more painful than last week, but nothing like it was at the start.  She treated it and put a clean dressing on it and said she would report back to my GP, as she reckoned I would need more antibiotics.   I had to go for a wee walk along the road when I left the hospital, as the appointment had been quite stressful again.  It was then back to work for the rest of the day.
I did escape for a wee walk at lunchtime and was really surprised by how warm it was, so washed another couple of jackets to make use of the good drying day!  I was feeling quite weary by the time I logged off this evening, so went for another wee walk, just to clear my head.  It was then home for tea, and then I baked a lemon drizzle cake – the first time I have baked in months.  TT was eyeing it up – but it is for work.  I might make another one at the weekend.
I spotted these interesting looking mushrooms when I was recovering from my appointment. I think they are hare’s foot ink caps.

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