
By Teasel

Sandy Bay

It’s our September holiday weekend, so a very welcome Monday holiday, and the weather was fabulous.  I did start with another lie in, and then pottered, enjoyed a leisurely breakfast, did some chores, hung my washing out – all the usual stuff.  I had a few messages from TT, who was struggling with some admin, so called him, had  a lovely chat, but couldn’t solve his problem.  I suggested TT may have more insight than me, so they had a call this evening. 
While making a sandwich for my lunch I decided to go out for a walk in the sunshine, so threw my sandwich in my bag and headed off to Dirleton.  I walked through Archerfield to Gullane, then back along the coast.  It was absolutely lovely, with blue skies and lovely views and I hardly met a soul.  I had my lunch on some rocks and enjoyed the peace and quiet.   Interestingly I did meet R’s parents (R being BB’s girlfriend) who were walking in the opposite direction, so we stopped and had a lovey long chat.
I came home via the supermarket where I bumped into the grandmother of one of BB#’s friends.  She wanted to know all about his move to University – her grandson having just done the same, but not to Glasgow.  
After tea, I had q quiet evening and thought about tackling the ironing mountain – but I only thought about it!
This is one of the bays on my coastal walk.

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