Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Eastern Calligrapher

I'm surprised that I haven't blipped one of these very common little hover flies yet this year!  We have two very similar species (the other I blipped HERE - a Margined Calligrapher).  There are very few hover flies of any species out an about this late in the season, so this is definitely a nice find today.  The New England Asters are bursting into full bloom now, covering my garden in big patches of pink.  I still have anise hyssop blooming too, and both are keeping the pollinators in food.  I saw a hummingbird perched up in a tree above the garden so I suspect it's been taking advantage of the asters too.  

It's another beautiful day.  Jax is at day care, no doubt enjoying some play time with his doggy friends.  I've been busy with this and that.  And I finally connected with the audiologist (yay) and now have an appointment for October 4.  This practice is the only one near me that deals in Cochlear devices.  My device quit working several years ago and it is now very old technology so I want to see if I can get Medicare to cover the cost of a new one.  Because I am totally dear on the right side, no conventional hearing aid will do any good (I have no hearing nerve on that side) but bone-conduction devices can work well.  I had the surgery done to put a titanium "bolt" in my skull about 15 years ago so the only thing I need is a new device to snap on it.  We will see.

My weekly dose of immunosuppressants was last night so my stomach is off today and I'm a little draggy.  I may take a brief nap this afternoon just to help shake it off.  Next week I am going to try to remember to split the dose (morning and evening) to see if that reduces the stomach issues.  Minor inconvenience when compared to the damage my joints would suffer if I let the disease run unchecked.  I remember being so horrified when I first learned I had rheumatoid arthritis last year, but now it is just part of my life.  I am incredibly lucky that it was caught before I had any significant permanent damage to my joints.  

Hubs is continuing to get improvement with his physical therapy - I'm so happy!  

Definitely chocolate with ginger today - I find ginger is soothing to a troubled tummy.  That's my story and I'm sticking with it.


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