
By ZE1Christie

Misty Moore's Pier

A stunning day, warm and sunshine all day.  By 4pm, the sea haar rolled in, steekit mist this evening.  Flat calm all day and night. 

Up early as usual, headed to work.  On the south essykert with Jack and John again.  More black bag bins, with collections in Eastvoe, Trondra, Burra, Asta and south Tingwall.  Cut the grass after tea, then headed out walkies with Sammy.  Mam, Laura and cousin Dawna popped along for a cuppa this evening.  Some telly before bed.  

Some lovely sunny weather lately.  A tad too early to say an Indian summer just yet, but we are still clinging on to some summer weather.  A pleasure working outside today, and was looking forward to getting out in the sunshine for my evening walkies.  By then, the mist had locked in hard, giving a very eerie atmosphere around the village.   As I came by the waterfront, this pier almost looked like it was floating in mid-air.  Moore's slip pier, Westshore, Scalloway.  

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