
By PaulaJ


I was astonished when I arrived in Carlisle city centre on my way to the hairdresser to find the entire central area dug up. What they had dug up was a large area between the shops, a pedestrianised area with seats. Apparently what we are getting eventually is . . . a pedestrianised area with seats. Maybe a few more trees!

They are even moving a statue which currently stands outside M&S. I’ve seen the beautiful new plinth on which it will stand. The problem is that I bet not one person in Carlisle could tell you who the statue is. I looked him up once but I’ve forgotten

On this lovely sunny day people should have been sitting around in the sun as they usually do, but instead they were edging their way round all the fences to try to get to the shops and staring into the huge holes that have been created (why holes!)

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