
By carliewired

73 F / 23 C

Blipping from my front 
door made it very easy 
this morning - such luck! 


I thought I was going to be in MacArthur Island Park this morning, but when I popped the garage door up at 7:15, I was surprised by chukars.
A dozen of these rather comical birds were milling about in my cul de sac. They were making their chicken noises and skittering about. 

I leaned against the back of my car and made use of my zoom lens. The chukars are very cautious.  They will stop and look about nervously. Then, they will peck at whatever seems to interest them. Suddenly, they will scatter at the slightest noise or activity. Today, the city bus came around the corner at the top of the cul de sac making all the chukars dive for the landscaping. 

I drove off, picked up my groceries and breakfast returning home just after 8. I looked up as I was driving in to see chukars dancing across my roof!

I got a wide shot of my mountains before settling in with my camera. 

My brother should arrive today (change of plans from last week) so we'll have dinner for him. 

Trevor hopes to be finished with the flooring today. We'll see if that's achievable. 

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