Eat, smoke, love, meow.

By Meowsers


This is the shot I took today at the river, slight HDR on it, but nothing too heavy.

Today i was left alone with my thoughts, my dad first came into my room asking why I had been so lazy and got up at 2 and that I hadn't been pulling my weight helping mum, despite the fact he'd been asking me to go out and have fun so long as I stayed in the village, which, is what I had done, so he was being nasty and hypocritical, and I was very upset for a good hour.

I then went to the river on my bike and ploughed through the long grass, my calves and thighs are still sore but it's alright, i went to the dusty feet place where me and Bethan went, and I made her something for when she goes on holiday, for old times sake.

I sat there and had a spliff and wondered about things, had a listen and a sing to my music, and then I got back on my bike, came home. It cleared my head a little.

Been talking to bethan tonight about Pride tomorrow and we're squealign with excitement, we're going as matching cats for the hilarity! aha bex is going to go cray, but yolo.

Feel my way through the darkness, gathered by a beating heart, I can't tell where the journey will end, but I know where to start.

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