Eat, smoke, love, meow.

By Meowsers


First photo I have had of a spider web, as I am not a big fan of spiders generally. But that's alright, this one was spider free and a little feathery, plus it looked a little too nice to leave it uncaptured.

Today I went to town and got high with Bex it was good.

Pride on Saturday! Can't wait to see everyone I am super duper excited for Shields after with all my friends too, makes me jittery thinking about how good it should be, I hope it goes how I want it to rather than soul crushingly badly, because knowing my luck something ridiculous will happen and my life will fall apart in a heartbeat, i'm sure some of you could guess what that might be.

Hint: Bethan and Bex don't get on, and you all know my views on each of them, and there'll be alcohol so I need to be careful I treat them fairly.

It's late, I have to go lovelies, night night.

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