Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

The train standing at Platform 1....

Another 'passing by' blip.  We had to go over to Sheringham to give some trousers to a lady who does alterations so had a wander around the town while we were there.  Nothing much of note to blip so I took this as we headed back to the car park.  I think I did a remarkably similar shot a while ago with a steam engine.

In other news, today I saw the draft of the Milton Keynes expansion plan consultation document which looks at areas the city would expand into in the next 25 years.  As expected, if agreed it would completely swallow up not only the village where I used to live but several others too, and vast swathes of farmland.  It won't all happen in my lifetime but it just shows that if we had any doubts about moving here (which we don't), it was definitely the right thing to do.

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