
By tridral

Brecinio yn ... Blockbuster?

Brecinio yn ... Blockbuster? ~ Brunch at ... Blockbuster?

“Artists and writers have allowed themselves to be sold down the river. They have accepted the prevailing belief that art and writing are merely forms of entertainment.They’re not seen as transformative forces that can change a human being, that can change a society”
― Alan Moore

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Ymhlith y newidiadau yn y pentref ydy'r caead yn 2008 o Blockbuster Fideo ac yr agor o Fino Lounge yn 2009. Rydw i wedi bod yn gallu gwirio'r dyddiau trwy'r hud Google Street View. Mae'n wych ond weithiau rydw i'n dymuno bod yr hud aeth e'n ôl ymhellach - i'r 1920au neu ymhellach fyth. Un dydd efallai bydd pobol yn llenwi'r bylchau gyda hen ffotograffau neu luniadau o'r cof. Dych chi byth yn gwybod.
Beth bynnag, aethon ni allan oherwydd roedd dathliad pen-blwydd Daniel - eto. Fel arfer rydyn ni'n mynd allan un dydd pan pawb yn gallu bod yna - dydd Sadwrn eleni ac ar y dyddiad pen-blwydd dim ond Daniel, Nor'dzin a fi.

Roedd y tywydd yn hyfryd iawn a chynnes, roedd yn teimlai fod yr haf wedi dychwelyd o leiaf am sbel. Roedd brecinio yn dda iawn ond roedd yn rhyfedd edrych o gwmpas ac yn cofio benthyca fideos o'r un lle.

Dros yr un adeg roedd all-drwydded wedi dod triniwr gwallt, roedd y Swyddfa Bost wedi dod 'Domino's' (dosbarthiad Pitsa o'r radd flaenaf), ond yr eglwys i dal i fod yr eglwys, y tafarn i dal i fod y tafarn. Felly mae rhywfaint o sefydlogrwydd.

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Among the changes in the village is the closure in 2008 of Blockbuster Video and the opening of Fino Lounge in 2009. I've been able to check the days through the magic of Google Street View. It's great but sometimes I wish the magic went back further - to the 1920's or even further. One day people may fill in the gaps with old photographs or drawings from memory. You never know.

Anyway, we went out because it was Daniel's birthday celebration - again. We usually go out one day when everyone can be there - Saturday this year and on the birthday date just Daniel, Nor'dzin and me .

The weather was very lovely and warm, it felt like summer had returned at least for a while. Brunch was very good but it was strange to look around and remember borrowing videos from the same place.

Over the same period an off-licence had become a hairdresser, the Post Office had become 'Domino's' (a first class Pizza delivery), but the church was still the church, the pub was still the pub . So there is some stability.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Fino Lounge, Heol Merthyr, Yr Eglwys Newydd
Description (English): Fino Lounge, Merthyr Road, Whitchurch
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Google street view Merthyr Road 2008 - need to copy and paste the entire link:,-3.2188499,3a,75y,54.09h,71.09t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sU-mwrR7D2Khyez4l1xnSpw!2e0!5s20080701T000000!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MDkxNS4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D

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