River of Flowers

By doffy

Monday: Moelfre Bay, Anglesey

Such a beautiful sunny morning, we all had a slow start then after breakfast The Sailor suggested a walk along the coast, I suggested Moelfre and off we went.

Walked along the coastal path to the new Lifeboat hut, we were told that it was open today and we went in to look at the new Lifeboat, which has been very busy all summer. 10 years ago, almost to the day - 

We came back past the cottages, where there are loads of blackberries and flowers - everything alive with assorted insects, predominantly bumblebees and the odd cabbage white butterfly too. Groups of Starlings around too but we didn’t see and swallows or house martins, maybe they’ve left already?

This afternoon MrD and The Sailor cleared brambles and nettles which were growing along the side of our approach road, they stopped work at 3pm, had a coffee then walked down our lane to the beach, still in bright sunshine - they turned right, then took the long way round to come home.

MrD had brought some pickling onions when he went to the market on Saturday, I soaked them in warm water then peeled them and they have been salted and will stay in the salt for about 24 hours.

EXTRA PHOTO of the view I saw from my window when I opened the curtains this morning …

ADDED LATER: the Ivy is starting to flower, just amazing to see so many insects feeding on all the flowers :-))

Loads of love and hugs to all my family / Cariad Mawr
Nos da pawb / Goodnight all XXXX XXX XX

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