Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips

Swimming Squirrel

Mrs BB has holiday leave and wanted to kayak the River Wye so we set off near our house at The Kerne Bridge, Goodrich (Herefordshire, UK) canoe launch. We haven't been kayaking since the summer of 2022, so it was time to blow away the cobwebs! 

We dropped one car at Lower Lydbrook (Gloucestershire) so we could get back to the start!  All went well, and with the flow of the river it didn't take long to do a couple of miles. Mrs BB sat infront whilst I did all the paddling and she was first to spot a squirrel swimming across the front of our kayak as we were approaching the end. I can't say I've seen a Swimming Squirrel before, and I doubt many of you have, either!  Nice one, Squirrel !  It just had to be my blip today!

W-I-D-E on Wednesday Challenge themes...

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