Much Less Bovver with a Hover
Not sure about that title but my brain won't work today, just too hot. There is more breeze but I feel hotter than ever :-( Looking forward to a slightly cooler weekend - I hope the forecast is correct.
Yet another problem with my car - while driving along a warning light started flashing on the dashboard, I didn't have a clue what it was but as it was not oil or water I continued my journey home. When I arrived home I looked it up in the handbook and apparently it was the toxic fume filter warning light??? So I phoned the garage to ask for advice and was told to bring it in on Monday - is it safe to drive in the meantime? I asked, reply was "well, it should be but you don't drive very far do you"!!! I have looked it up on the internet and I don't think I'm going to get suffocated but I might get baked to death as I can't use the air conditioning until it's fixed.
Hope you all have a good weekend folks :-)
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