
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 76/89
Main activity: Sun - bike ride, around the house
Notes: Woke around 5a and couldn't go back to sleep. Up and online a bit while chatting w/ Jo and then headed out on bike just when the darkness broke. L knee was hurting right off and felt pretty tired again but 15 mi seemed quick and strong. Quite warm still tho clouds and breeze helped. Shower when I got back, coffee, shows and did a dark load and hung - new beach towel from Ellen and some new JCrew clothes ordered from big sale. Did a meditation then - had a good session w/ guides and came out and wrote as much as I could remember. Thought I'd sleep but didn't. Meal was 3 eggs, venison burger w/ Primal ketchup and some bacon (beef & turkey). Had a carnivore pancake after w/ butter, strawberries and whipped cream - so good! Also cooked up a batch of strawberry jam while I was cooking the food. Watched some football tho early games were of little interest or excitement. Saw Broncos lose again in the late games - they looked awful. Went to bed early - very tired!

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