
By H22

Place: Gulfport, FL 77/87 > Largo, FL 77/87
Main activity: Sat - trailer/studio, back to Largo
Notes: Finally slept longer and woke ~630a. We sat around for several hours and then headed to donkey building, found key for the trailer but still had to run to Kathy's to get the key to unlock the hitch. Loaded in a lathe and big chopsaw and took the trailer to Ellen's studio, pulled it up to the back door, got a bunch of garbage out just as the downpour began. Searched inside for a couple things until the rain let up and then headed back to the condo. I packed up then and left around noon - hot and tired. Unpacking, organizing (again) then a shower and slept ~2-4p. Heated the leftover ground beef crust pizza and a piece of bacon, had some cereal w/ goat milk and then some toast as I repackaged a bunch of the frozen stuff into the new beeswax/organic cotton wraps and bags (from parchment paper). Online a bit then, change my flight to Midway to next Sun and reserved the rental car. Went over later to Linda & Eric's to get my mail and key and chatted w/ them a little. Quiet night streaming some shows and then chatted w/ Jo on Signal late (until almost 11p).

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