
By tfb

Terrible discoveries of S Mouse XXVI

(Status report)

Following yesterday's message we have received no coherent communication from SM, but only the following brief, garbled, transmission. Here unreadable parts have been marked by '?'.

MISTA??. PIPE SHOULD ??VER HAVE B??? OP??NED. ?? W?S WA?TI?G. ?? MU?T SEAL ?? ?? IF WE C??. THERE IS ????? HO?? PR///.£#(((HAHA.&.HAHA..,I../COME/B SFS&#(;;;

We find the last segment, although mostly line noise, particularly concerning.

We recommend that weapons systems are brought to the highest state of readiness and that a strike from orbit over the archipelago with sufficient yield to effectively sterilise the entire site is prepared. It's the only way to be sure.

We have no current comment on the possible meaning attached photograph: analysis has been inconclusive.

We continue to monitor.

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