
By 58jc

Great day

I woke early and as it was warm and sunny decided on a few hours in the garden.  The rest of the house was sleeping (OH had bad night coughing) so I was undisturbed with my podcast and wheelbarrow!  It was lovely and warm and the earth soft and I was in my happy place.

Late breakfast for everyone and OH visited MIL in care home and I popped to Junction 8 to meet S who was down from Scotland.  I have known her 34 years and she is kindness personified - I have never known her to bad mouth anyone and has a very kind heart.  I had a few tears and she is a good listener but the day was not for sadness.  My brother and sisters had purchased a balloon ride for No.1 and JC and it was booked for today.  The weather God was with us and the weather could not have been more perfect (first time booking whereas others on the flight had booked and postponed on a number of occasions).  It took off and we waved and then set off to the pub for dinner which was very good.  

They landed just outside Ashford and then made their way home via the same pub but sadly their food not as good?  However nothing could spoil such a great day.


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