
By maureen6002

Monadic Singularity

Today we actually make it to the Anish Kapoor exhibition in Liverpool Cathedral and it doesn’t disappoint. I love the way the cathedral opens its doors to art exhibitions, and this one is very different from previous ones we’ve seen. ‘Monadic Singularity’ is the artist’s first exhibition in a UK Cathedral, and the six artworks stand in complete contrast to the vast neo-Gothic structure in which they stand. 

First there is a huge red cube - ‘Sectional Body preparing for Monadic Singularity’ - a seven metre plus square cube dwarfed by the dimensions of the space. Inside you are immersed in red as light comes through the complexities of the inner structure. 

Then there is the huge red wax bell structure dominating the main space of the cathedral, continuously moulded by a massive steel blade that moves - almost imperceptibly - around the ‘Untitled’ structure. 

Possibly my favourite is ‘Spire’, a metallic cone-like structure which reflects and distorts the cathedral’s surrounds -‘soaring up towards the sky and infinity, placed within the cathedral’s chancel, amplifying its spiritual dimension pointing to something beyond ourselves.’ 

There are three other artworks, but for me they are less interesting from a photographic point of view. 

This is my first proper photographic wander since my surgery, and whilst I’m tired and my back is beginning to ache, the really wonderful thing is I have absolutely no problems with walking - no pain in my legs, no numbness; it’s fantastic! 

We call in Meols on our way home, spending time with Lili who is desperately trying to walk, continuously pulling herself up onto her feet and holding onto hands to walk around the room - though I can offer little in terms of support as my back is sore.  

There’s the compulsory walk to the ice cream shop before heading home, exhausted but very satisfied with the day. 

Inevitably it’s a set today, with ‘Spire’ as my main, and extras mostly featuring ‘Sectional Body preparing for Monadic Singularity’ 

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