
By CyclopsJnr

Open days

CyclopsJnr is in the top year of the junior school! He is in P6 and primary goes up to P7 here in Scotland, but at his specific school they have P7 as a transition year on the senior school campus.

Well today was open day and in their responsible position as big kids the P6s gave tours of the junior school at open day. CyclopsJnr was very excited and proud to do this, and he showed a Japanese family round.

Then it was our turn, we went up the road to the senior school for THEIR open day, where WE were given a tour by the big kids there. Two extremely sweet young men took us round and as well as being worthy ambassadors they were prepared to speak candidly which included admitting to having personal experience of detention, and giving a mixed critique of lunch. No red flags there!

In the evening CyclopsJnr went to stay over at Granny's new flat for the first time, and Cyclops and MrsCyclops went out for the evening for MrsCyclops's birthday.

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