
By tridral

Gwell ar ôl ymweld i'r bae.

Gwell ar ôl ymweld i'r bae. ~ Better after visiting the bay.

“When the spirits are low, when the day appears dark, when work becomes monotonous, when hope hardly seems worth having, just mount a bicycle and go out for a spin down the road, without thought on anything but the ride you are taking.”
― Arthur Conan Doyle, (Scientific American, 1896)

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Aethon ni i lawr i'r bae heddiw i ddathlu penblwydd Daniel gyda Richard, Steph, Sam a Zoe. Doeddwn i ddim ar fy ngorau. Mae'n ymddangos fy mod i'n ymladd rhai haint ac mae poen gyda ni yn y nodau lymff ynn fy gwddf. Doeddwn i ddim wedi cysgu yn dda chwaith. Serch hynny seiclon ni i lawr i'r bae, gyda Daniel ar y ffrwnt a Nor'dzin y tu ol i mi, rhag ofn rhywbeth digwydd i mi.

Roedd dda iawn i weld y teulu eto er doeddwn i ddim yn teimlo'n dda. Bwyton ni yn Wagamamas, lle dydw i erioed wedi cael pryd dydw i ddim yn hoffi. Aethon ni rhywle arall am pwdin. Dangosodd Richard i ni lle bach Portuguese sy'n gwerthu coffi a pastel de nata (ymhlith pethau arall). Dydw i eried wedi bod i Portiwgal, felly dydw i ddim yn siwr, ond roedd e'n ymddangos bod gallai'r caffi bach hwn fod wedi bod yno.

Roedd yn daith hyfryd i'r bae, a rydw i'n siwr teimlais i'n well o'i herwydd.

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We went down to the bay today to celebrate Daniel's birthday with Richard, Steph, Sam and Zoe. I wasn't at my best. I seem to be fighting some infection and we have pain in the lymph nodes in my neck. I hadn't slept well either. Nevertheless we cycled down to the bay, with Daniel in front and Nor'dzin behind me, in case something happened to me.

It was very good to see the family again even though I wasn't feeling well. We ate at Wagamamas, where I've never had a meal I didn't like. We went somewhere else for dessert. Richard showed us a little Portuguese place that sells coffee and pastel de nata (among other things). I've never been to Portugal, so I'm not sure, but it seemed like this little cafe could have been there.

It was a lovely trip to the bay, and I'm sure I felt better because of it.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Canolfan y Mileniwm, Bae Caerdydd
Description (English): Millennium Centre, Cardiff Bay
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