
By tridral

Eglwysi a Thafarnau

Eglwysi a Thafarnau ~ Churches and Pubs

“What does the artist do? He draws connections. He ties the invisible threads between things. He dives into history, be it the history of mankind, the geological history of the Earth or the beginning and end of the manifest cosmos.”
― Anselm Kiefer, (Falling Stars, 1995)

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Mae eglwysi a thafarndai ymhlith y rhannau mwyaf sefydlog o bentrefi. Mae'r 'Plough' wedi bod yn y pentref ers 170 o flynyddoedd ers yr 1850au., tra cafodd Eglwys Santes Fair ei adeiladu yn 1884. O'r safbwynt yr hen leoedd hyn, mae'n rhaid bod y newidiadau arall yn y pentref yn ymddangos fel symud pryfed Mai

Tafarn y Plough
Eglwys Santes Fair

Roedden ni yn y pentref heddiw am arbrawf llygaid. Roeddwn ni arfer mynd i'r Brifysgol, ond nawr mae'r pentref yn ymddangos mwy cyfleus. Roeddwn i angen sbectol newydd, ond nid oedd presgripsiwn Nor'dzin wedi newid. Mae'r optegydd yn ymddangos yn dda ac yn drylwyr, felly rydyn ni'n obeithiol byddan nhw mor dda na'r Brifysgol.

Un o'r fanteision o fynd yr Optegwyr yn y pentref ydy posibilrwydd i fynd i'r siopau ar ôl ein hapwyntiad. Felly aethon ni i'r Co-op a Iechyd Da cyn seiclo adre.

A byddan ni'n parhau byw o dan y llygaid craff o'r Eglwys a Thafarn tra rydyn ni'n hedfan heibio (flit by) yn ein bywydau cymharol fyr.

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Churches and public houses are among the most stable parts of villages. The 'Plough' has been in the village for 170 years since the 1850s, while St Mary's Church was built.
in 1884. From the perspective of these old places, the other changes in the village must have seemed like the movement of mayflies.

The Plough Pub
St Mary's Church

We were in the village today for an eye test. We used to go to the University, but now the village seems more convenient. I needed new glasses, but Nor'dzin's prescription had not changed. The optician seems good and thorough, so we are hopeful they will be as good as the University.

One of the advantages of going to the Opticians in the village is the possibility to go to the shops after our appointment. So we went to the Co-op and Good Health before cycling home.

And we will continue to live under the watchful eyes of Church and Pub while we fly by (flit by) in our relatively short lives.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Tafarn y Plough fel y gwelir o borth Eglwys y Santes Fair, yr Eglwys Newydd, Caerdydd
Description (English):The Plough Pub as seen from the gate of St Mary's Church, New Church, Cardiff
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