The Sunny Side

By SunnySundaes

Brekkie while mommy sleeps

Good job Mimi - now Shawn and I are also sick today. 

My favorite part about having 6 adults in the house is that Mimi has so many people to play with in the morning that I get to lie in. Not only did I get to lie in, but Aspen went and picked up breakfast. Bagel sandwiches, juice and coffee for all! And yogurt too. (I was not the greatest host this weekend). 

I love waking up to see Aaru and Mimi share the learning tower. It continues to reaffirm my belief that Mimi will love to be a big sister someday.

Just as suddenly as our house was full, it was quiet again. Everyone left for their homes after breakfast. Their visit is over and it is time for us to finish packing our bags. 

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