An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Decision made...

I think :-)

Finally got the slow cooked beef stew made that I was supposed to make yesterday but got distracted.

We toyed with going to Rait Antiques Centre as we've never been but I really wanted to paint some more of Mairi's thistle on slate and hopefully get it finished.  And guess what?  I did!  

Well I think it's finished.  I will leave it for a few days now and look at it again at the start of the week and hopefully any bits that need touched up will be obvious, although I am hoping I will look at it and declare it done!  D is playing golf with Keith on Thursday so all being well he will give it to him to take home to Mairi and I can mark that box ticked!   

We have spent the day trying to decide between the two paint colour samples for the kitchen.  I have a photo of the sofa and scatter cushion fabrics so I put them together with the sample of the Ammonite for the garden room and the Woad and Hick's Blue for the kitchen.  We initially preferred the Hick's Blue but in the evening light it loses its blue tone and looks almost black, whereas the Woad still looks blue, so at the moment I think we have a final decision...F&B's Ammonite for the garden room (the colour it currently is) and Little Greene Company's Woad for the kitchen.

It's Esme's 6th birthday tomorrow and there's going to be a family party.  My contribution is something sweet and I expect Andrew and Nikki are expecting me to turn up with my usual Empire Biscuits, Millionaire's shortbread or Malteser Slice, but I decided to try something new and I've made Biscoff Rocky Road.  Will report back on that tomorrow :-))

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