An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Esme is six!

How time flies when measured in childhood years!  Seems like two minutes since this wee whirlwind arrived in the world.  Now she is six and her little sister is baking away ready to enter the world at the end of January!

There was a family party to celebrate the grand occasion but unfortunately I wasn't able to go.  Woke up feeling awful. Nauseous, tired (I was awake a lot during the night) and generally under the weather.  On the plus side it's not covid - yay! but another UTI - Boo.  Antibiotics started yesterday so hopefully I will feel better tomorrow.

David headed to the party with Esme's pressies and the Boscoff Rocky Road.  I had a tiny piece as I cut it into squares and I can tell you that it is absolutely delicious!  I cut it into smaller slices than I cut the Malteser slice as it is teeth meltingly sweet! Pic in extras.

To take my mind off feeling yuk, I spent a couple of hours in the studio.  Whilst I've got the acrylic paint palette set up I wanted to attempt an acrylic seascape on canvas.  Spent a little while deciding on colours and composition.  Keeping this first attempt as simple as I can.  Sky, sea and beach in strips of colour.  I may add some small details at the end but will see how it goes.  First layers done and I am really pleased with it so far.  

D arrived back and having stuffed his face with party food, didn't want dinner.  That was fine with me as my appetite isn't great.  We had chicken and veg soup and some crusty bread.  Perfect.

D sent me pics from the party and they had to be my blip :-)  

Pleased to report I feel much better than I did earlier today.  

Half way through September already!!!!

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