Winner winner chicken dinner

Better in large.

I passed on this combo of flowers a few days ago, only to realize that the same blooms/position of blooms weren't available the next day. So, even though I had other options today, I couldn't pass on this one again. It's not quite the same shot as before, but it's the general idea. As my neighbor Jan pointed out recently, the color combination of these two plants works quite well. I've spent a few too many mornings trying different angles and compositions with these two. After watering the plants today, I tried again and ended up happy with this one. SOOC, which should have saved me time at the computer... But my indecision ate up that time profit and then some.

Though the runner-up is a pleasant image, it didn't quite depict the feeling of the moment. It was crazy windy, sunny and a storm seemed to be moving in. But all I see in the photo is a pretty day... So it didn't make the cut.

We still haven't seen the storm... But are expecting wind, rain, and thunder tonight. Me thinks Piper will be sleeping ON me tonight. Argh. But I could never turn her away... She's terrified of thunder. The feeling in my legs will come back eventually - it always does. ;)

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