a town called E.

By Eej

Taste the sunshine

The end of this heat appears to be near - for as long as that will last - what with it being July 'n all. I'll take it though, even if it is for just one day: heat does crazy things to my brain. This afternoon I had to count something 5 times because I kept losing track in the middle.

The Beloved was home before me and came to pick me up so I wouldn't have to cycle through what can only be described as a sauna with a blowing hair dryer.

And because I'm apparently insane, I went to Zumba where I sweated harder than ever before. I wore a tank top. And I walked home in it.
Several neighbours fainted because I've lived here for 6 years and they have never seen my upper arms. Well, I imagine they would have fainted if they hadn't all been inside huddled up around the air conditioning.

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