
By StephenF

Snail therapy

Our first full day in Madrid and this was a snail bar (as opposed to a nail bar) in a covered market not far from our hotel. It wasn't actually open at the time so I wasn't able to benefit from the seemingly comprehensive health-giving properties of the snails. The listed benefits appear to offer a cure-all for practically every condition. All one has to do is shut one's eyes and swallow the slimy medicine. I'm sure, in fact, they're prepared to be tasty and, after all, I always used to enjoy a plate of whelks at the seaside. I'm building up a battery of backblips to use on quiet days when I'm back home in Chobham. A highlight today was the Prado Museum. Unlike the National Gallery in London where visitors are snapping away on their camera phones all the time, no photographs can be taken in the Prado, so the extras are of my daughter, Jen, and me having a couple of ice-cream lollies from the Prado cafe and an external view taken on the way back to the Metro station later in the evening. 

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