
By H22

Place: Gulfport, FL 77/93
Main activity: Wed - pitch deck finalizing, errands, pool, nap, Carlene
Notes: Was awake thru the night for awhile and then didn't get up till after 730a! Had thoughts on the pitch deck areas I wanted to update and get looking better. Spent another 2 hrs and the morning just flew, finally had coffee late and then got the big wagon box ready and headed to UPS Store and a quick stop in Ace Hardware nearby for a couple little bday things for Mom. Back and went to the pool for ~40 min, quite hot again. Put the hair conditioner on and laid down ... had a great experience chatting w/ my higher self and getting some questions answered! And then slept for awhile. Up and had a msg from Carlene that she had her afternoon open up if I was able to meet. Quickly ate some steak from the crock pot (is the grass-fed filets from Sam's - not that good) and toast and then headed out to meet her at Sumitra coffee shop in Gulfport here just down the road. Got a cacao mocha - was really good. Great conversation and wonderful meeting! Left 5p, shower and relaxed. Talked to Mic on phone in evening for a bit and then streamed some shows. 

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