
By H22

Place: Gulfport, FL 78/92
Main activity: Tues - Nancy's, Rollin' Oats, LQW Pitch Deck
Notes: Woke ~ 530a and was wide awake. Got up and online mostly until about 8a - was feeling very tired again by then but headed out, stopped at Nancy's and caught up w/ her for awhile and then my trip to Rollin' Oats, which wasn't as great as I thought it might be - prices not all reflecting what I saw online (not on sale), some stuff mislabeled and out of things. Got near $60 worth tho - incl 2 doz eggs, A2 yogurt, cottage cheese, beef brisket bacon, beef, tallow, 2 things of heavy cream, a box cereal ... that may be it. While I was there, a msg from Carlene asking if I could create a pitch deck - freaked me out a little as I've never done one and was tired and just wanted to get back and nap. But I got in touch w/ her and she sent all the info that was ready to go and I dug in. Three and a half hrs later, I had completed a version w/ many edits and 3 formats: PowerPoint, PDF and video (mp4). Sent it off and went to make food - cooked up the beef bacon and a pkg of turkey bacon and had 4 eggs w/ it. Had a carnivore pancake after w/ fresh whipped cream and then tried a small bowl of my new yogurt. More work then on some SpeakOUT updates.

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