Shooting My Brother Shooting, Maidstone

My brother (Groggster on Blip) needed to pop into town to sort out some financial matters at his bank this morning so I went along with him and had a walk around town with my camera while he was in the branch. Unfortunately, they were most unhelpful and rude so his problem was not resolved. To cheer ourselves up we headed to a Spoons for a breakfast and a pint. 
After enjoying our repast we headed back out onto the streets to try and get our images for the day. I actually took the two extras, "Release The Pressure" and "Tickets", first. Then, on the way back to the car as we headed down a tight alleyway, I spotted this wonderful light and shadow hitting the wall that was covered in graffiti. My brother put his camera to his eye and there was my main image for the day.
This afternoon I had another one hour session with my instruction manual for my new camera. I was mainly learning about live view and the various options and choices you can have when using it. I very rarely used live view at all with my old camera so it was really interesting seeing how I can utilise it going forward. It does, however, drain the battery pretty quickly so I will use it sparingly when I'm out and about.

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