
By fitzbilly

It's A Town!

Visitors and newcomers to Northleach often come unstuck by referring to it as a village. If it is said in a meeting they will be shouted down, if it is posted on line such as on Facebook they will be rebuked.

We'd walked down to the Old Prison as I was hoping to get a shot of the 'Village Access Only' sign that was there last week, but alas it had been moved. Somebody had stuck a 'Town' correction on it anyway.

The road to Cirencester should still have been closed when I got this. It clearly wasn't. The lorry stormed through on red too.

I did the lawns before we went out as it is green bins tomorrow, and the forecast was for rain in 2 hours. When we got back I was just putting the bins out when the rain arrived, bang on schedule. We were out longer than planned, but that may have involved a drinks and cake stop in the café.

Somehow I have got way behind on blip again, so catching up will be my next job.

One year ago:
Bee Side(s)

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