
By fitzbilly

Cotswold Water Park

I had to hand over the WCPF prints this morning to the next club and arranged to meet halfway at the water park. I decided to set out earlier than planned as the Northleach to Cirencester road is closed from 9:30 am each day this week (ash dieback work). Even though it was only 9:00 am there were cones blocking my side of the road which everyone had to drive around. On the way back the road was fully barricaded off so I came back through Bibury. It was busy, tourists, selfies etc

I didn't mind the earlier start as I had a few other jobs to do on the way, so I got those done before rather than after the handover.

I think the print evening went well, there were some lively discussions and quite a bit of agreement regarding the best prints.

One year ago:
Wet Garden
We've relocated this now and one of my jobs today was to buy some cable as the original lead isn't long enough now to reach the outside socket.

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