
By CharChar

Twizy day

Today we were up and out early as we had hired a Renault twist for the day. You plan out your route with the company and you scan a QR code which gives you the directions for the next location. After the first place the battery drained really quick so we had to take it back and change it for another before carrying on for the day.

We visited Marsaxlokk first which is a little fishing village with a few little market stalls, then we went to Mdina which is a walled town within Rabat. It was so pretty lots of narrow streets, we stopped here at the Fontella tea rooms which is renowned for its cakes so we had to try some and it didn’t disappoint. we then had a walk around Rabat and again it was lovely narrow cobbled streets, we visited the catacombs of St Paul. After this we had a costal drive to see the Blue Grotto and then back to Valletta just in time for the 4pm cannon, we paid and went into the area where they let off the cannons which was great.

We then had a wonder around Valletta before getting a taxi back and a quick shower and change we were back to Valletta for dinner at the famous San Paulo Nufrago which is a lovely Italian with tables situated down the cobbled stepped street. The lasagne was delicious. We had a few drinks then back for an earlish night as we have another trip tomorrow.

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