
By TheOttawacker

A visit to the Canal Ritz is just what the doctor

Got up quite late for me, and after all the usual stuff, realised I was scheduled to go an pick up my friend Julia and take her to the Café Ritz for lunch, where David and I were treating her to a retirement gift. I’ve not been feeling well for a couple of days (upset stomach), so wasn’t quite sure this was what I needed, but what I have also learned recently is that unless I schedule things in, they don’t get done. So, sick or not, this is what I was going to do.
It went, of course, brilliantly. The glorious sunshine helped perk me up, and sitting on a promontory over the canal, dining where US presidents always dine when they come to tell us how poorly Canada is behaving, was very nice. So nice, in fact, that I might be tempted away from the Beijing Legend’s dim sum more frequently. Poor J, though. No sooner had I driven her home than she got a call telling her that her father (aged 93) was in ICU… Meanwhile, no sooner had I got home than I started feeling nauseous again. Not even the Ricard helped. Well, not physically.
Thus, Mrs. Ottawacker discovered herself of soccer duty, and had to drive Ottawacker Jr. to his final football game of the season out at Rancourt Park. They drew 1-1 and he played very well. I was sorry to have missed it. 

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