
By TheOttawacker

The social calendar whirls a-pace

As my stomach was still an issue (no, not that way), I probably should have cancelled, but as I am now on a mission to fill every second of my life with moments of intensity (or some other bullshit), it wasn’t an option. No, I am not on some self-improvement kick (been there, done that, failed miserably), but age is creeping up on me and there is still a lot of living left to be done. Anyway, Ashley and Lindsey, our long-suffering next-door neighbours came over to dinner, and it seemed like a good excuse to get the tajine out and pretend I have more than one meal to cook. I’m also going on another self-imposed dry spells soon (got to get my beach body back), so there are a good many “fonds de bouteille” to be gone through. If you are going to feel sick, may as well do it in style. Misery loves company, etc.
C was also over, so, after dinner, he and Ottawacker Jr. headed off into the sitting room to watch The Life of Brian while we stayed to chat and end the evening in conviviality. The film was a bit of a flop – as the references completely passed C by. I suppose it is important to have the old ways in your head if you are going to embrace the future… bit of a shock really.
On another note, Julia’s father improving and is no longer intubated. And the weather has finally broken.

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