
By Nettenet


I woke at Bex’s before my alarm went off.  I went downstairs fed the cats , made a cup of tea and looked on my iPad.  Bex got up and we chatted before I showered and headed off to get the boys.

Rebecca had a midwife appointment and as Nat was working from home, I decided to load up the boys and head back to Rebecca’s (her appointment was over by this time).  We let O have a play and then decided to visit a farm cafe that I’ve spotted on my journey between both of their houses (about a half hour journey between the houses).  It also has a farm shop, wine/alcohol shop. They also run cookery classes.  This cheese shop was within the farm shop, in its own separate shop so that the temperature is controlled.

I had to add the extra of O who was genuinely saying cheese when he spotted me get my phone out.  He often now says no photos Nanna!  ;-D

Rebecca has got a scan tomorrow as they think the baby is slightly small.  The midwife wasn’t too concerned but thought it best to get her checked.

My journey home was a long 2 hours instead of 45 minutes, not sure why and Mr C was not feeling great so we gave quiz a miss tonight.  I was also quite pleased as I feel shattered too and meant I could get my shower tonight instead of in the morning.

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