
By Nettenet

Our day

When I arrived at Sims, he was upstairs getting ready for work so I just let myself in.  I then hear a little voice saying Nannas here (he saw my car out of his bedroom window). I wasn’t expecting you he said… I was expecting you to be at nursery said I.

He came downstairs and we had a wonderful chat , he is just so delightful to be with.  Gave him breakfast.  Eventually Sim came down and said to O that he needed to get ready for nursery…. His face fell (I knew it would as he was expecting a day with me) and pulled on my heartstrings.  I said to Sim I was happy for him to stay but he said no he needs to go as they pay for it… fair enough.  Sim was running late, as always, so I got O dressed and ran him to nursery with a promise I would take him to the park later. He was fine.

I had a lovely time with Hugo giving him lots of floor time, rather than being stuck in his chair.  He was also on good form and full of chuckles….as well as snot!

Rebecca came over and we enjoyed just chatting and chilling.

Time to pick up O. Well probably far too early if I’m honest but I do miss him on a Monday and one of the first things he said was ‘are we going to the park?’  Of course we are.

Off we went to the park for a play and O entertaining his brother with a blanket over his head.  We then walked down to a little tea room before it shut.  Os memory is fantastic, as we approached the tea rooms he was telling us about the time we went there and it was closed so had to meet Bex at a different tea room.

On the walk back to the car O wanted to sit on the log overlooking the field. He wanted us all to sit down , I think time delaying tactics of going home but we said we’d have another little play in the park before going home and that moved him along.

Lots of play with Nanna hiding was great fun.

Mummy and daddy were home by the time we got back so after a quick chat we left.

I’m having a sleepover at Bex’s tonight.  Adam’s job often takes him away and for the past few months and the next few months he is based in Cardiff during the week.  They have given him an apartment instead of a hotel room so that Bex and baby can stay too.  But as time gets nearer I’ve offered to stay on a Monday so she has a bit of company at least one night a week.  I think she will lean on me when Adam has to return to work after his paternity leave and before she’s ready to spend some time in Cardiff.  I just wish I wasn’t working so I could be around more.

Anyway, we settled down to pizza and tv. 

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