Look Out

By chrisf


It’s electrics day on the project. N arrived around 8.30 and introduced me to sparkies W and S. They told me that the power would be going on and off through the day, and it would be noisy. They were right.

I was due to go out this afternoon to meet a friend for a walk around Clifton Country Park, but I decided on an earlier exit and after an hour of drilling and banging decided to head to Salford Quays and The Lowry.

When the former Manchester Docks was redeveloped as Salford Quays, the first priority was developing the basic infrastructure and public realm. It’s all now over 30 years old and showing its age. In these straightened times there are no funds to maintain things properly. Across the UK lack of maintenance of the public realm after years of austerity is a common theme.

Meanwhile - my sister and BiL drove over to see dad in hospital today. Against all expectations he’s improving. Amazing.

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