
By PaulaJ

A strange selection

It must be Autumn, as I have started a new course and here are the books we are looking at in the next month or so - ‘Women and Power in the mid 20th century’. It’s a series of live online lectures and seminars and we have an excellent tutor.

I read the four books earlier in the year and intend rereading them just before each lecture. I found the Patricia Highsmith interesting but tedious, I’m just not a Crime novel reader I suppose. On second reading I could appreciate how clever the writing was but I still won’t be rushing out to get any more of her books. The lecture on Sunday was fascinating, especially about Highsmith herself - apparently she was not very much liked and said she was Ripley and could have done what he did and for the same reason!

The next two books are very strange and I am looking forward to those lectures.

And then there is ‘The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie’ - I have read this many times and love it, always have done. And what a glorious film. I must find it again. And I need to find a film version of ‘The Talented Mr Ripley’. I have no idea how to do this. We don’t have Netflix (I know - our grandchildren have no idea how we survive without it, but we seem to).

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