
By Teasel


I started my day with a pre-work walk.  This was probably the best part of the day – weather-wise – as it all went downhill later on.
Work felt challenging today, mainly as I am still working out what on earth is going on and am not making much progress with stuff.  I did start the day taking a call from a colleague who has been off for a few weeks.   He is hoping to be back on Monday, so we discussed his return to work.  I ended the day consoling a colleague, who had received a very out of order email from a colleague.  I made sure my boss was aware, as I was really angry, as was my colleague.
I didn’t manage to escape for a break until the afternoon – just as the rain came on.  I bumped into a friend and we stood and chatted in the rain.  I don’t think her dog was very impressed.  By late afternoon I was flagging, but got caught up proof reading a document for a colleague, which at least made me feel useful.  I was relieved to log off eventually though.
TT was out with friends this evening and BB was  at rugby training.  I walked to the supermarket where I bumped into a friend.  We stood and chatted for rather too long, and when I left the rain was on again, so I got wet again. BB was buzzing when he reappeared, as he has been picked for the first XV, to play in their first match on Saturday.  Well  done BB!
I blipped these flowers in town when I was out for my pre-work walk.  The knitted bunting that appeared in yesterday's blip, has been taken down.

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