
By MrsK277

Twins and Tbay

Blessed time meeting the twins, Asher and Nathaniel, and seeing FK play and adore his second cousins as well as subuteo and football with the older two Elijah and Boaz.
I got lots of cuddles and fed both babies. 
We drove back via Tbay services, which is like farm shop rather than your usual motorway service station. I bought MrK some Cumbria goodies.
Back at Lizzies, Steve FK and Lauren played an escape room game while Liz and I went through the details of a course she's been doing about the effect of retaining infant reflexes. FK had done exercises when he was younger to integrate his infant reflexes and it was a game changer for all of us.
My brother rang to chat with me...he's had another wobble....thankfully he has agreed to counselling this time. I think it's helped him to see the difference in me after holding everything in for 50 years.
My back hurts.

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