Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Hunter cuddled up on a rainy day.

The Feast Day of Saint Peter Claver. Patron of missionaries, and people who are working to stop slavery.

It is a cold, cloudy, rainy morning. Feels like 10c outside. No heating on yet! I have braved the elements to go to the Best One shop and bought our newspaper for Paul's puzzle pages. The leaves are beginning to make the paths colourful but slippery.

Hunter decided to sleep under the hydrangeas in the garden last night. We called for him to come in, but he stayed there. This morning he trotted in at 8:40am and enjoyed his breakfast and a big fuss. Holly had sensibly stayed in over night.

I am expecting a few deliveries today, including the Tesco food order between 3 and 4pm.
Plenty of housework to be getting on with now.
Have a lovely Monday, and thank you for visiting my site today blip friends.

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