
By JackyMT


Been picking just a few, I do find this tree has a lot of apples with holes, I was told it was codling moth lave. too late for this year but have been looking it up and hopefully have a solution for next year.

Misty went to the vet today for her annual check up and vaccination she was a bit stressed but settled when we got there, then the receptionist came across to say hello to her, (the receptionist is a lover of black cats) and Misty glared at her turned round and hid under her cover.  she doesn't like people. She was good though and let the vet look at her while I held her. She's got a clean bill of health and protected for the next 12 months, and as usual our pocket is lighter.

It's been a lovely day, sunny and warm, even the wind was mild, did a bit of weeding  digging up  nettles, but it's hard work at my age.

Thats my excitement for the day. Happy weekend

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