
By JackyMT

Its growing back

You cant  keep a good tree down.

Finished shortening Caitlin's  Jeans. The day before Yesterday I knocked my sewing machine on the floor and broke the spool pin, so looked one up online and good old Amazon came to the rescue as usual, so it was delivered yesterday afternoon and work was resumed today.
I contacted Caitlin and she came to pick them up tonight, she's at collage tomorrow in York, it's induction day and she starts next Tuesday, her friend Charlie also starts at the same collage but she want to be a nurse.

There is a woman takes her dog to the same park we go to and it is so funny, she has a natty little 2 seater sports car but her dog is a huge Alsatian and he only just fits in the passenger seat I bet she feels safe with him there.

We had  rain on and off all day and it was quite chilly we even put the central heating up a notch tonight to warm things up a bit.

That's it for now. Nearly weekend again.

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