Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

The Last Rose Of Summer? …

… I wasn’t able to go to a funeral that I really wanted to attend today. (Stuff happens).
Aren’t roses just beautiful?

I’m reminded, for some reason, of a time a long time ago.. I had wandered into Lichfield Cathredral, alone. With no idea that a rehearsal was taking place. Lesley Garrett was preparing for a show. She sang, ‘The Last Rose of Summer’. I sat quietly, as if a one person audience.
It was spine tingling.

It seems to be Friday?
No chips tonight for us :-/
Himself had chips last night, and we try to ration ourselves.
I have a gratin dauphinois waiting,
(Actually, chips would probably be healthier!).

The wine forecast is looking almost necessary I’d say.

Happy Friday One and All.

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