Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Amethyst Hotlips…

… The foliage smells divine; all blackcurranty. I wonder if they’re edible? (Sage family I think?).

I am an utterly rubbish blipper at present. Hanging on by the skin of my teeth. I shall catch up with commenting soon.

Maybe not for a few days.
I’m planning a little break by the sea.
I shall return refreshed.

I had the usual word with the Oldest Elderley One yesterday.
‘BIG, BIG changes are coming’, I was informed.
Oh dear… ‘Shall they affect you?’, I asked (not without a little trepidation).
‘It will affect us ALL, inevitably’, replied the Dementia Voice of Doom, sadly.

Not to sound too flippant, but I’m really hoping to get my little relaxing break in first!

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