If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Ivy-leaved cyclamen ( Cyclamen hederifolium )

soon after we bought the lodge we planted some C,
. hederifolium under the verandah, kindly donated by Kanyl.  Over the years they have thrived and increased.  Now they ar egrowing in the edge of the car parking area about 4 yards away and in the grass up the bank about 3 yards away.

I find it interesting watching the very different phases they go through each year   It starts with a bare tuber just below the soil surface, getting bigger over the years.  Then like now flowers appear with no leaves.  After the flowers leaves appear, when the leaves die they reveal seed pods held on coiled stems.  Next the stems uncoil moving the seed head away from the tuber.  The seeds are released and eventually the cycle starts again.

Our final day of maintenance at the Lodge, I finished the "hay making", mowed the strimmed areas and flattened numerous ant hills by smacking them with a spade.  Then indoors to fit the final bathroom light unit.

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