
By MerrilHope

Turkish style

What a day!  Bev and Nigel kindly collected Rufus and me around 10am so I could leave the boy with "Uncle" John at BL complex, so that I didn't need to worry no matter how long we were in Didim on business 'Turkish style'.

And what Turkish style it was. 

In approx 35ºC with full on sunshine.

In all, I spent maybe an hour at the agent and the town council building on issues related to the sale of my apartment at the complex. Tiresome but easy, this was as nothing compared to time passed in one bank on mission impossible business for friends who aren't here to do it for themselves, where I got sent from desk to desk to no avail. From there I then went to another bank to support Bev and Nigel who had also been up and down (literally) in their own Snakes and Ladders game of absurdities in the still alive and kicking C19th Turkish business model prevalent in so many Turkish businesses - financial and local government.  

All this was at least interrupted by the three of us having a yummy Turkish cuisine lunch at the Park Cafe where we were the only non-Turks - always a good sign for tasty food at sensible prices.

We finally got back to the complex late afternoon where I learned Rufus had been a good boy, and where seven of us had a couple of drinks on John and Janice's balcony before this kind friend drove me (and Rufus) home to the villa in Akbuk..

A much need evening of solitary confinement with crochet and Bosch on TV rounded off my uncomfortable and yet, not unpleasant day. I'm very tired tonight.

Photo of a narrow side street in Didim where I imagine the residents feel as hemmed in as I did today - them by brick walls and me by bureaucracy. Not sure which one is the greater barrier.

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