Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

A good day out

We've had a busy day today. I went to church first thing, then rushed home before coffee. Colin had just got back from picking up our friend Marian and we decided to risk the weather and head to Loch Leven. We arrived around 12.15 in good time for the 12. 30 boat out to the castle.
The trip in a small boat only takes around 10 minutes and we were regaled with tales of the loch and the history of the castle as we went across. The boat was pretty full with around 10 folks on board.
It doesn't take long to explore the castle. It's good fun with twisty stairs and dank cellars to investigate.
I'd brought a flask of coffee so we sat in the sunshine after exploring and congratulated ourselves on having risked the forecast heavy rain.
My blip shows: the main tower where Mary Queen of Scots was held; the smaller more modern (honest) round guest tower; a view through one of the smaller windows across to the North; the walls and courtyard from what they think is an alcove Mary used as an oratory and a pair of some of the many swans on the loch.
When we got back to Kinross, we had a quick look in the two chas charity shops. Rachel House, the first Scottish Children's hospice is in Kinross and the two shops here always have lovely things in them.
We decided to head to Loch Leven Larder for lunch, which was not too busy for a change. While we were having lunch there was a very heavy shower, so again we congratulated ourselves in missing it. That was in fact the only rain we saw all day, so the forecast was definitely misleading.
We headed next to Falkland just catching Vintage Quine, one of my favourite shops before it closed. We've several birthdays coming up so I bought a couple of gifts.
It was after 5pm by this time, so we headed back to Edinburgh, taking under an hour which was good for that time of day.
We took Marian back to her aunt's house in Gayfield Square and ended up staying, initially for a quick drink and then for, as she put it, the five loaves and two fishes which were in the fridge!
These turned out to be, in actual fact, a sheet of puff pastry with a tasty selection of vegetables on top covered with cheese and nuts and baked in the oven.
We didn't get home till around 9.30 in the end. Poor Cleo was not impressed as she'd only had her breakfast food before we left!
Falkland Palace is lined up for Marian's next visit.

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